Harry Potter Yet Another HP Role Play. Enjoy!

flabaloobalah posted on Jul 19, 2012 at 10:51PM
thank you dragonsmemory for doing this with me!
anyone & everyone can join in at anytime.
you can just start off with a little paragraph or your character's profile to get the ball rolling and it will sound great.

ok, here goes.
name: Clarice Ernest *she has no middle name*
house: Gryffindor, 5th year
blood: halfblood
*note: Clarice has two younger brothers, Robbie and Donnie, who are first year Gryffindors.*

Harry Potter 9334 risposte

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più di un anno fa flabaloobalah said…
((uh....role play time? i dont know. if thats ok. you can decide.
oh and btw: the 20th to the 25th, that whole week i am at unicorn boot camp. so all day, monday to saturday, i will have disapparated. just to let you guys know.))
più di un anno fa LetsDuel2012 said…
Andrew: *remembers he had some from his many detentions he had gotten as Ryder ((his bad personality)) takes it out his bag and gives it to Fred* Here, I don't think i'll be getting detention any time soon unless i have other plans...
più di un anno fa Phoenix_Tears said…
((Okay have fun))
"Thanks." Fred said as he took the Murtlap from Andrew. Fred looked up at the girl's dormitory, "I guess I should give some to Meg."
più di un anno fa dragonsmemory said…
"Sorry. I really have no idea then."
più di un anno fa LetsDuel2012 said…
Andrew: no problem *continues writing*
più di un anno fa Make-me-laugh said…
"Hey Skylar. What do you think?" Neville holds out another sketch book.
più di un anno fa flabaloobalah said…
((oh. ok. lets do it now.))
"Harry, I'll be right back," I said. I ran upstairs to my dorm. I was still in my robes. I sat on my bed, sorting through my suitcase to look for some pajamas.
Suddenly, I heard scratching on the window. I stopped and stared, expecting a creep or maybe a stray tree branch, but instead saw an owl, clawing for me to let him in. The handsome owl fluttered in and perched next to me, sticking out his leg for me. There was a letter adressed to me.
I picked it up and opened it.
*Dearest Clarice,
I am writing to you with a heavy heart. I regret to inform you that your mother, Margaret Ernest, has passed away. As soon as possible, we would like you and your brothers to pack your bags and leave temporarily from your stay at Hogwarts. We will talk.
Aunt Bonnie*
The letter fell out of my hands. I clamped my hand over my mouth. No. No. That was impossible. She couldn't have....
It didn't take long for my eyes to water. I fell onto my bed and pounded the bed with my fists. No! I couldn't....
I didn't go back downstairs, afraid of what everyone would think of me, what they would say.
What about my poor brothers? It wasn't like I couldn't tell them. I would hate myself if I didn't even let them know.
((there. got it.))
più di un anno fa dragonsmemory said…
I took my time folding the Cloak. What was taking her so long? Was I too forward? I wanted to go up there, but I didn't want to gget my bits hexed off
più di un anno fa LetsDuel2012 said…
Skylar: you are so good at this....i have a bunch of notebooks but they're mostly stories
Andrew: um Harry,can i ask you something?
più di un anno fa flabaloobalah said…
I decided we had to go as soon as possible. Keep our family in mind. I ran to their room. Robbie and Donnie were sleeping soundly. Maybe I could just tell them once they woke up. For now, pack their bags and leave.
In no time at all, I stood with my half-awake little brothers, ready to go. But where? There was no home without her.
I composed myself and went back downstairs. How was I going to do this?
I saw Harry, Fred, and Andrew, talking. "Harry!" I exclaimed, throwing myself into him.
più di un anno fa dragonsmemory said…
"Oof." Clarice knocked the wind out if me. "What's going on?" I held her close, trying to comfort her.
più di un anno fa Phoenix_Tears said…
I was awoken by the sound of Clarice packing. I heard her run downstairs and shout Harry's name. "What is going on?" I said quietly to myself. I got out of bed, careful not to bump my scarred hand on anything, and went downstairs.
più di un anno fa flabaloobalah said…
My sentence was hardly understandable. "H-Harry, I....my mum, she's gone....and, and I have to leave. I'm so, so, so sorry. Please....forgive me." I sobbed, inconsolable. I shook my head.
I had nowhere to go.
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più di un anno fa Make-me-laugh said…
Neville opened a satchel full of his doodles. He pulls out a drawing of Skylar and hands it to her.
più di un anno fa dragonsmemory said…
"I'm coming with you," I whispered into her fragrant hair.
più di un anno fa flabaloobalah said…
"No, Harry....this is between me and my family. Please."
((argh. although my plot twist is evil and awesome, i kinda hate it.))
Robbie and Donnie were rubbing their eyes. I don't think they even realized the exact degree of my insanity, or how hard this was going to hit us.
Then, someone appeared at the door. He must have been from the Ministry; he seemed too uptight to be Hogwarts staff.
"Come on," he said gruffly.
I shook my head, shocked. "No, I....wait! Please!" I protested.
((yeah. this is just depressing to me. but i love it.))
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più di un anno fa dragonsmemory said…
I hugged Claarice tightly, then pulled back, looking deep into her eyes. Very careffully, I traced aa lightning bolt above her right eye and kissed it. "I'll never forget this. I'll write every day if you want."
più di un anno fa flabaloobalah said…
"Okay." I said. I looked at the stranger. He nodded. I looked back at the now crowded Common Room. I might not be here for a while, I thought.
I picked up my bag and stood at the door. I think Robbie and Donnie were more worried about me than our family. I turned back to look one last time. As I was going to say something, the doors snapped shut. We walked in silence. A Ministry car was waiting. The man took our bags and let us in. My brothers sat in the back, and I rode in the passenger seat.
The ride was spent in complete quiet. We stopped in front of a fairly large red house. This was Aunt Bonnie and Uncle Jack's house. I remembered we spent holidays there, the whole family. But now there was one piece of the puzzle missing.
The three of us stood at the door. I finally rang the doorbell. Bonnie appeared, her eyes watery. I sucked in a big gulp of air and we hugged, crying.
She brought us in. I could still remember the staircase, each step a tiny bit crooked, the small, now browned blood stains our cousin Mike had put there from a nosebleed he received while sleepwalking.
Jack stood by the stairs, looking at the ground. Mum was his sister. "You three are staying here for a little bit. Then you can get back to Hogwarts." he said emotionlessly.
più di un anno fa dragonsmemory said…
I watched Clarice leave with her brothers. I wanted to believe she was coming back, but only timewould tell.
più di un anno fa Phoenix_Tears said…
I stood on the stairs with my mouth slightly open, taking in what Clarice had said before she left. Why did things like this always happen to Harry and the people he loved?
"I'm sorry Harry." I said as I walked over to him.
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più di un anno fa dragonsmemory said…
I sniffed. "I miss her already."
più di un anno fa flabaloobalah said…
All I could think of was the people I was leaving behind.
Hermione, Ron, Meg, Fred and George, Neville, Luna, Dumbledore, McGonagall, even Umbridge and Draco, the two of them were despicable.
And Harry, of course. I felt like I was leaving a part of myself behind for him, in a way. The watch. I almost forgot about that.
We would write everyday, so it wasn't like we would never know what happened to the other. Besides, in a little while, I would go back, hopefully.
Bonnie showed the three of us to our room. The boys were to share a bunkbed, and I had a bed all to myself. I could hardly remember the last time I even slept alone in a bed.
I changed, burying my Hogwarts robes. It might be a little bit before I wore them again.
Tears wouldn't stop flowing. I hated it. And I was sure I was all out the last time.
più di un anno fa Phoenix_Tears said…
I pulled Harry into a hug. "It's okay, she'll be back soon."
più di un anno fa dragonsmemory said…
((I'm choking up now. This only happens aat the end of an HP movie))
I leaned into the hug, lost for words.
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più di un anno fa Make-me-laugh said…
Neville saw Clarice leave the Gryffindor tower. He was sensing that something is wrong. "Harry, what is happening?" Neville shouted from the commonroom, after she left.
più di un anno fa flabaloobalah said…
((dont cry. its okeh. i promise i wont do any more evil plot twists like that.))
Bonnie sat next to me. "It's okay, sweetie," she comforted. I sat up and looked at her. "Tomorrow is the....the funeral." Bonnie said. I nodded. "Go to sleep, Clarice." she sighed.
I sighed and turned away. She patted my shoulder and left me.
I couldn't stay awake and function. So, I pretty much cried myself to sleep.
più di un anno fa dragonsmemory said…
((I thought it would be evil, like Fred and George))
"Clarice left with her brothers," I managed to choke out.
più di un anno fa flabaloobalah said…
((that evil? nah. sorry.))
più di un anno fa dragonsmemory said…
I decided to start on my first letter.
*Dearest Clarice,
The drops you're seeing are my tears. Yeah. I really miss you already.
The big Quidditch game against Ravenclaw is tomorrow. To be honest, I really don't feel very confident.
I'm still wearing your dad's watch. It's like a little bit of you I can wear on my wrist. Can you send my heart back with your next letter? I think I left it with you?
All my love,
I folded the letter and headed off to the owlery. Hedwig wouldn't minda delivery.
più di un anno fa Make-me-laugh said…
Neville waited until Harry came down. He started sketching his feelings on a pad of paper. "Harry, it doesn't add up."
più di un anno fa dragonsmemory said…
"What doesn't add up?" I asked, wiping my eyes dry.
più di un anno fa flabaloobalah said…
When it was morning, I woke up, hurting and lonely. A little white owl was sitting by the door. I grabbed for the letter. I read it. It was from Harry. I tried to read it clearly, but my hands were shaking and my eyes were tearing up.
I dug out some parchment and my quill.
I miss you so much. Obviously I have been crying a lot. You know me.
Don't let me get in the way. Go out there and win for Gryffindor.
I feel bad I don't really have any of you here.
Your Sad Screaming Lamb,
P.S. Here's your heart. Sorry.*
I gave the letter to the owl and she flew off.
più di un anno fa Make-me-laugh said…
"Come down here and I'll tell you." Neville replied.
più di un anno fa dragonsmemory said…
I did so and sat next to him. "So, what doesn't add up?"
più di un anno fa Make-me-laugh said…
He looked up from his drawing. "She left so quickly and her family is a bit dodgey, You know." Neville explained.
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più di un anno fa dragonsmemory said…
"I'll have to ask her tomorrow." I headed up to bed, Snitches flying around my stomach.

The next morning, I awoke to find Hedwig on my nightstand, a letter clamped in her beak. I smiled a lityle as I read it. I quickly wrote a reply.
You know I'll do my best. It all depends on if something comes along to stop me, other than Cho Chang.
And quit your crying. As soon as I (read: Hermione) figure out the spell, I'll send you a hug. One of my famous ones.
Here's a little something to remember me by.
Your Skinny Stag,
I folded the note and gave it and my spare glasses to Hedwig, who flew out the window. I tghen set about getting ready for the game.
più di un anno fa flabaloobalah said…
I got another letter. Reading it and hearing his voice in my head, I was laughing.
You will definitely do your best and lead Gryffindor to a win.
And now I'm crying because I'm laughing. But thank you. And I can't wait to receive a hug.
Thanks for the gift.
P.S. I might be a little slow to respond tomorrow. But don't worry.*
I folded the letter and gave it to the snow white owl.
Then I remembered it was Hedwig, Harry's owl. How could I forget that? Anyways, Hedwig set off.
più di un anno fa LetsDuel2012 said…
Skylar: *hanging upside-down from a chair trying to figure out what to write*
Andrew: Hey Skylar
Skylar: yeah?
Andrew: Lindsay's in your band right
Skylar: correct
Andrew: *gives her the peice of paper he was writing on* here give this to her its a design for a guitar i was thinking looks like glass but is as strong as diamonds
Skylar: cool i'll run it by her *runs out*
Andrew: *sighs*
più di un anno fa dragonsmemory said…
I took off the watch and stowed it in a pocket of my Quidditch robes. This was it.
**time skip**
Practically the entire house carried us ip to the castle. We had won. The party was set up fairly quickly, thanks to the twins. I took a moment to read Clarice's latest letter and write back.
WE WON! I got the Snitch right out from under Cho's nose. You should have seen it. Dean's working on drawing and animating it. As soon as it's done, I'll send it to you. You should see Angelina's face. I swear she looks like she'll kiss me in a minute.
Neville's a little suspicious of the way your family up and gotvyou like that. Apparently, according to him, they're a bit dodgy. You wouldn't mind telling me about them, would you? I just want to keep my little lamb safe.
Gotta go. George is chugging butterbeer and I'm in the line of fire.
P.S. Hedwig likes bacon. She always gets a bit off my plate at breakfast. No more than a full piece.
più di un anno fa LetsDuel2012 said…
Lindsay: *playing with Indigo and Skylar they're playing sk8r boi*
più di un anno fa dragonsmemory said…
I tried having fun, but it wasn't the same. Hermione came up to me in the middle of the song and pressed a butterbeer into my hand.
"You need it tonight. I'll be watching how much you drink tonight," she nearly yelled in my ear. I smiled, noddedand sent her on her way. I couldn't drink. Not tonight. It remindedme too much of the Yule Ball. Then, I was drinking just to forget Alycce. Tonight, I would probably end up drinking to forget Clarice. I took one swig from the bottle and set it aside. I really wasn't in the mood.
più di un anno fa flabaloobalah said…
I crawled out of bed. I did not want to go. No matter how much it meant to me, I refused to go to the funeral. Bonnie was completely fine; she said I could be alone. I wanted to.
A letter came. "Thanks, Hedwig."
That's awesome! I'ts too bad I couldn't be there. A picture would be great, tell Dean.
Let Neville know there is nothing to worry about. It's a family emergency. That's how people react. Aunt Bonnie and Uncle Jack are taking care of us. No one in my opinion is too sketchy. Maybe my cousin Mike is a troublemaker, but I trust everyone. I'm fine.
Sounds like you better move.
All yours,
P.S. I will keep that in mind for Hedwig.*
più di un anno fa Make-me-laugh said…
((Suggest something for Neville.))
più di un anno fa LetsDuel2012 said…
Indigo: *after the song* *whispers to Lindsay* Now
Lindsay: *mouths to Harry* Now? ((shes talkin about her song))
più di un anno fa dragonsmemory said…
I mouthed back, "Now." I then worked on tracking down Neville. "Hey,.Neville."
più di un anno fa LetsDuel2012 said…
Lindsay: ok girls now *through her mic* ok everyone this song i have been working on for a long time and it means alot to me so.....yeah *starts singing*
((who doesn't mind being Seamus for a bit?))
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più di un anno fa Make-me-laugh said…
Neville was working on another art piece. "I'm up here!" Calling from the boys dormitory

Bellatrix sat down at the long table, for another Death Eater meeting. She noticed new-comers, The Ernest family. She turned to watch the Dark Lord, sitting at the end of the table.
più di un anno fa LetsDuel2012 said…
Lindsay: *starts really getting into the song by the first chorus*
più di un anno fa flabaloobalah said…
((the ernest family? *stunned* wait....what?))
più di un anno fa dragonsmemory said…
I followed the sound of Neville's voice and found him on his bed, working on something. "Hey."