Twilight la saga Links
Juliet part 20 I Amore this part :)
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2 fans
più di un anno fa
2 fans
who wouldnt?
2 fans
Edward and Bella were together in 1918 but fate ripped them apart. almost 90 years has passed. with they be reunited, o is there only going to be another twist of fate?
più di un anno fa
3 fans
What have te dato up for Twilight? choose the most accurate risposte (all of the yes, .... risposte apply 2 me just wondering if i was the only freak)
1 fan
sry, i could think of anything else, ok!
1 fan
See if your the ultimate Twilight fan like me!
1 fan
your fave twilight saga libri
1 fan
How much do te know about the Twilight Saga?
6 fans
Twilight o Other???
1 fan
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