Twilight la saga Links
24 fans
A spot for fan dedicated to both Harry and Twilight!! :)
3 fans
This is a twiligth fansite. It has pics, video and twilight info + interviews!!! :)
2 fans
jacob black;emmett cullun;edward cullun;james;jasper cullun;carlisle cullun
2 fans
4 fans
6 fans
3 fans
they need to get over themselves and stop taking things so seriously.
2 fans
This is a poem I wrote about all of the couples in Twilight; each verse is a different couple, see if te can guess who's who. Each one is from the girl of the couple's point of veiw.
1 fan
Part 4. Edward realizes that he is in Amore with Bella,and trying to escape the relization that she will figure out at any dato moment.
2 fans
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