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It’s time to tear Activision a new one. If I had to put Activision anywhere on the lista for the worst video game companies in existence, it would probably be at number….. 3. Right after Capcom, but right before Ubisoft. Now, what has Activision done? Well, the bought Radical Entertainment, the guys who made Prototype….. Right before they shut the company down. They also bought Neversoft, the guys who made chitarra Hero and Tony Hawk…. before merging them with Infinity Ward. And what have they been successful with? Call of Duty… of course, that explains why their still thriving. Activision is just like Frieza. They just refuse to fucking die. So, let’s look at one of their recente games, like…. Walking Dead: Survival Instincts…. Oh dear.
The Walking Dead, for the 5% of the world who doesn’t know, is a mostra that follows a group of survivors trying to survive the zombie apocalypse, as well as trying to protect themselves from psychopaths and criminals. This mostra became a huge hit in just a matter of days, and for good reason. This is one of the most violent shows that was on TV at the time, and became a huge hit, getting popolare in just weeks. So naturally, Activision felt they weren’t making enough money with CoD, so they decided to make a game of it, and that game was The Walking Dead: Survival Instincts. And in a matter of days, this game got hit with some of the lowest scores I have seen in a long time. It got both a 4.5 on IGN and a 32% on Metacritic. The game was so bad, in fact, that it was deemed as one of the worst games of all time, right up there with Bubsy 3D, Zelda on CD-i, and E.T. on Atari. So, is the game as bad as everyone says it is? No….. Because they should have dato it a fucking zero. This game is fucking HORRIBLE!
Not only is this game a goddamn disaster, but it’s a goddamn disaster that comes with a price. Fucking fifty dollars. I paid fifty dollars for this fucking game. Was the price worth it. Well- No… It wasn’t…. It REALLY fucking wasn’t. So, in this game, te play as Daryl as he explores what has to be the most barren as fuck city I have ever seen. te then meet these two guys… I don’t care, since they die in the first two leves. They are also never referred to again after this, so they did just as little for te as they did for the story. So, what is the story? Fuck if I know. There are random cutscenes whenever the game feels like it, Daryl moves to a completely different area without any transition, and he is always helping one person one minute, and is helping another the next. One minute, Daryl is in a park with a log cabin, and the next, he in a lab with insane scientists. So, fuck it. I’m making my own story. Daryl and some guy (I don’t care about his name) Try to make it to a football stadium to get to safety. If that story was half-assed, at least there was più effort into that story than there was with this entire game da a fucking company. That’s sad when a high school student who rarely makes honor roll puts più effort into it than a video game company does.
So, let’s talk about the gameplay. te have a coltello at first, which is basically one of the most overpowered weapons in a video game. Anyway, the game has detto that te can either fight o sneak past Walkers, scavenge for Cibo and fuel, find survivors who can help te out a lot more, with varying abilities. From the sounds of it, this sounds like a great Walking Dead game. But guess what, they fucked up all of these. And I am going to talk about them all. First off, combat and stealth against the Walkers. Everywhere te go, there will always be a hoard of walkers. If te do choose to fight them, get ready to be royally fucked. The combat is broken. te can either fight them up close, but if te do, te will take dozens of hits. However, te can just stab all of them and end up killing thousands just da letting them crowd around te and te stabbing them. And if te think that’s bad, te can just jump on superiore, in alto of a care and wail on them until they are dead. Also, if te fuoco a gun, più will come. Okay, so, that’s to be expected. But sooner o later, you’re going to find a crossbow. This fucking thing is so overpowered, that te will just want this throughout the game and nothing else. Not only is it a silent weapon that kills everything in one headshot (Which aren’t that hard to get), but te can pick up the Arrow te fired and use them for an unlimited amount of times. This weapon is way to overpowered. But here’s the thing…. te don’t have to fight them. If te just run away, the Walkers will just give up and leave. te can just outrun them and NEVER stop running. That is how bad the enemy AI is. Also, they really Amore running into walls, in case they weren’t bad enough. Also, stealth is useless. They will find te no matter what, and te can never outrun them. So, Combat and Stealth was a fucking disappointment.
Next, let's look at scavenging. They told te that te would have to scavenge for food, ammo, and fuel. First off, food… Entirely bullshit. If te had a hunger meter, then it would make sense. But instead, te collect bottles of water, o if te ask me, what looks like piss. It’s green, so it’s piss. It could be an energy drink, but energy drinks to me, taste like piss. So, it’s still piss. And the bottles of piss only heal te up… very little. It doesn’t even heal a quarter of a quarter of your health. It is that little. Thankfully, like I detto before, due to running from enemies, te can avoid getting hit. Next, is ammo. Again, entirely bullshit. pistole are basically useless, since te only get very little ammo to use them and since they attract più enemies. And considering the fact that melee weapons, o even the goddamn crossbow, are più powerful weapons, te will NEVER use any of this ammo. And lastly, fuel. Well, at least te will need the fuel…. Over, and Over, AND OVER AGAIN! This is the one thing te will need, because your fuel meter is as short as a dust mites erection. This thing dies faster than a fly in a gas chamber. Every time te are driving, te will always, and I mean ALWAYs, run out of gas. And sometimes, you’ll run out of gas multiple times on the same damn highway. And when te do run out, te will have to go to the most empty and boring looking places ever, finding gas cans and taking them back to the car, and it is never fun. Hell, sometimes, you’ll end up AT THE SAME FUCKING PLACE te WERE AT BEFORE! So, yeah scavenging is also a fucking disappointment.
Lastly, let’s look at the survivors. Now, let’s think about this. Survivors in a zombie game… te don’t need me to tell te that this is already a disappointment. But trust me, te wouldn’t think it was possible, but Activision takes away all expectations of that and makes it worse. te were expecting bad survivors, but don’t worry, Activision made it worse. Survivors are always able to be found, and they ask te to do some of the most boring as fuck side quests for them, when in reality, te can just tell them to fuck off, which is what I did for all survivors. I don’t give two shits about them. But when te do find them, all they do is sit around the car and do fucking nothing. te can ask them to go and find health packs, but they're so badly injured, te need to waste a health pack. The only problem is that they only brought one fucking pack, so te have to waste it to save the guy and pretty much make sending him a waste of everyone’s fucking time. And considering the fact that te can find a bunch of that stuff outside makes sending them out to their death a waste of fucking time. Needless to say, don’t do it. Don’t send them out. So, survivors are also a fucking disappointment. So, all of those three selling points are fucking garbage. That’s how bad this game is.
So, I have decided to spoil the ending, because, come on, are te really going to go out and buy this game. So, with all the shit that was in the game, you’d think that the game would have a decent ending…. Well, Daryl goes to a football stadium where everyone is dead because…. fuck if I know, and Daryl grabs a machine gun, shoots some Walkers and then he drives out of there…. And that’s it. It’s a lot less of an ending and più of the fact that the game just stopped…. Now, normally, I’d get mad at an ending like that…. But I’m not mad…. I’M FUCKING PISSED OFF! HOW IN THE FUCK DO te FUCK UP THE WALKING DEAD THIS BAD!? …. But, for all I know, maybe they just didn’t have the right idea how to do it. Making a Walking Dead game was still something new at the time, and they were still trying to make something like the Walking Dead into a game……. Is what I would say if it wasn’t for the fact that Telltale had already done this before and better. Telltale’s the Walking Dead is how to do a Walking Dead game RIGHT. te actually enjoy the characters and story, and your actions change the game, with each choice being very hard, and each choice having consequences. And that game was released in 2012, when Survival Instincts was released in fucking 2013. So, with that information, there is no longer an excuse to make this game this bad. THIS GAME SUCKS JUST FOR THE SAKE OF FUCKING SUCKING!
Wow… I don’t believe it. Fifty dollars for this piece of shit. This may be the worst game in my entire game collection, and it doesn’t fucking help that it costs fifty fucking dollars. And the worst part- The fucking worst part- Is that the same giorno I paid fifty dollars for this goddamn game, I also bought Metal Gear Solid HD Collection AND Red Dead Redemption, both in my superiore, in alto ten games of all time, for fucking TEN DOLLARS EACH! I am not fucking kidding. te have great games at low prices, but it costs a fortune just to torture yourself. Don’t buy this game. You’d have più fun just tossing fifty bucks out the fucking window than te would spending it on this piece of shit. But, hey, that’s only my opinion. What’s Your Take.
Ah yes, Jenga, the fun childhood pastime of playing with a set of wooden blocks, because someone was just that bored. I never played much of the board game when it was at its peak of popularity. I was più of a CandyLand kid. Aw yeah, coming up on the caramelle Cane Forest, motherfucker! But, I do understand the basic concept of the game, stacking bricks to make a tower and pulling them out and making sure it doesn’t topple over. What I don’t understand is making a full game for the Wii and selling it at full retail price. Who made this game and why would they make it. Oh wait, it’s an Atari...
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In case it wasn't clear since my Grand Theft Auto reviews, I am much più interesting in when Rockstar does something other than GTA games. I find that stuff to be way più fun. And the first of many (Okay, three) to appear on this lista is the murder mystery classic, L.A. Noire-

*Blowing Whistle* Stop right there! I’m taking over this review!

Several years fa I found this Rockstar game.. LA NOIRE. Now, when I first got this game, I was fresh of GTA 4 and Red Dead Redemption.. I was introduced to GTA da the 4th, never played the others. But obviously we aren't here to talk about...
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Oh boy, this is a classic gem I’ve been waiting to discuss… again… for the fourth time in a row now. It’s no secret that I Amore Platinum. Anarchy Reigns was the first Platinum game on this list, and the rest of them are only gonna get better from here. And let’s talk about their first game, and while not a financial success, still a classic on the Wii, Madworld.
Madworld follows angry biker Jack Cayman, as he and his trustworthy chainsaw arm, go through the crazed gameshow known as Death Watch in order to take out the competition and become the champion of Death Watch. The game...
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As te already know.
I kinda stopped playing for a bit, Sullivan is why.
Not to mention. I was shocked the first time. I was starting to like Sullivan..

I think we covered this one :)

Near the end of the 3rd game, Max Payne fights this guy.
It's hard to explain, why it's so hard, just have to see it yourself..

Last boss of Max Payne 3.
And really holds the "last boss" feeling.
In a negative way..

The main villain of Resident evil 5. And final boss..

The final boss of Assasins Creed 3..
posted by windwakerguy430

A detective da the name of Hal Moore suffers from mental depression and thoughts of suicide. After the death of his daughter, where he chose to save his drowning adopted son in hopes of trying to save them both, his son, Andrew, has been quiet and developed a sense of cruelty, assaulting and threatening other children and harming animals. His wife, Michelle, has grown to hate Hal after their daughter’s death, blaming him for not saving her and has become an alcoholic and started cheating on him. Though Hal does believe this, he still does what he can to help others. This has lead him...
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#1: FREDDY KRUEGER (nightmare on Elms strada, via spoof):
Most of Freddy's most disturbing traits are replaced da his immature behavior.
for example, he refuses to kill Nancy till she becomes scared of him, when she starts getting, simply bored.
Freddy goes around quoting every line he EVER had in the actual movies, and also using Citazioni from other Film (though he denies it and claims it's HIS quote).
Due to this "new" personality, it's possible that only reason he's killing people in their sleep, is because he "can" kill us in our sleep..

#2: RICK GRIMES (Walking Dead spoof):
The complete opposite...
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What in the name of god. They are already ready remaking Grand Theft Auto 5.
Now, don't get me wrong. I Amore Grand Theft Auto 5. I think it is one of the funnest games I have played in 2013. But, seriously, it's only one anno old, and already they are remaking it for Playstation 4 and XBox One. Seriously, te should at least give a game some time to age before te remake it. Look at Ocarina of Time, a game which people detto is the greatest game ever, which was made back in 1999. The remake for the 3DS wasn't made until 2012, which is years later. Honestly, they are already remaking GTA 5. Sure, the graphics are better, but the thing is that the graphics were amazing to begin with. Why are te remaking this game so early, Rockstar. But, hey, that's only my opinion. What's Your Take
*ding dong*

???: what is it?

Henry: hello Simon

Simon: Henry! te still wearing that tux?

Henry: every chance I get

Simon: heh... oh... te brought soldiers

Dex: why does everyone think i'm a soldier?

Marcus: no idea...

Henry: te seem calmer since the last time a saw you...

Simon: I take pills... anyway, why are te here?

Henry: we need te back

Simon: no way! i'm NOT going back to Klintsy!

Henry: we are close to taking down Harper and Dominic.

Simon: why don't fight your own war!

Henry: te are the only one that knows Harper and his tactics.

Simon: ok then, come inside so I can teach te

Henry: te and I both know that he still has some sanity left...

Simon: ... *sigh* lets go...
There are a lot of video games that have Anime about them. te have classics like Persona 4: The Animation, Devil May Cry, and of course Pokemon. And with new Anime based on video games, like Phoenix Wright having a pretty good Anime series, and with Castlevania being announced to have a Anime some time in the future, it makes me wonder if there are other video games that could have some pretty neat anime. So, today, I want to share with te some Anime that could have the potential to have their own anime. Now, before I start, there are some things to address. First off, I am only including...
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After my superiore, in alto Ten Hated Video Game Characters list, I really wanted to make a superiore, in alto Hated Animated Characters List. However, the problem with that is that I don’t hate that many animated characters. Not that I don’t, it’s just that when te play video games, te get a different perspective of characters than te do watching animated shows. With video games, te look through the protagonists eyes, and te have the same opinion of other characters that the protagonist has, making the player (That’s you) the protagonist. With animated shows, you’re just the spectator, watching events unfold...
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posted by AquaMarine6663
01000100 01101001 01100011 01101011 01110011 00100000 01100001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01110011 01101111 00100000 01100011 01110101 01110100 01100101 00100000 01101111 01101101 01100111 00100000 00101000 10000001000100 00100000 10000001000100 10000000100010 10000001000100 1111001001 10000001000100 10000000100010 10000001000100 00100000 10000001000100 00101001 10000001000100 00100000 01110111 01101000 01100101 01101110 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01101000 01101111 01101100 01100100 00100000 01101111 01101110 01100101 00100000 01101001 01101110 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101...
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What is a story without characters? Well, it isn’t really a story, now is it? And none of te smartasses try to go find some obscure book o poem that doesn’t have characters in it, because I don’t care. Anyway, video games hold just as much story as any medium. Story is sometimes not as important as gameplay, like action games o shooters, o a major part of the game, like RPGs and point and click. But no matter what genre they may be, every game needs to have a character te play as, in order to have them interact with the world and others with them, and have them tell the story through...
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Okay, so after a whole week when I detto “The Resident Evil 4 review will be out tomorrow”, I am finally going to do the actual review. Yeah, I know, I should have done it sooner, but te know, school and finals and junk. Anyway, how about that review. We all know that Resident Evil is one of the best horror franchises out there. It managed to make survival horror what it is today. Sure, we may have just gotten out of the dark ages of Resident Evil, what with Resident Evil 6 being a Michael baia movie and Umbrella Corps being the worst thing ever, but I think Resident Evil VII is a step in...
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 Art da SeantheHedgehog
Art by SeantheHedgehog
When I first heard of the game, Spooky’s House of Jumpscares, I thought it was going to be a rather dull horror game filled with, what else, jumpscares. But after playing it, this game was so much più than what I thought it would be. It managed to be a very scary and disturbing game that made te wonder what was going to come next, what horrifying creature was around the corner, and why those damn cardboard cutouts are everywhere. But what I liked best about Spooky’s House of Jumpscares had to be the creatures te ran into in this game. The creatures are some of the most disturbing and...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Theme Song: link

Pony: *Walking in front of a green background, but gets crushed da falling letters that say...*


Pony: *Gets stuck under the P, but gets himself free. The background then changes to red. He continues to walk when he sees numbers falling toward him. He runs, but gets crushed by...*


Pony: *Gets out from under the 6, but as he does, it leans to the right, and the 0 rolls away. As the background changes to orange, he whistles when he sees più falling letters*


Pony: *Surprised that he's not stuck under any of the letters. He rearranges...
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#80: Corpse Party: Tortured Souls

Now, there was a game known as Corpse Party that was made back in 1998- da god, it’s that old. Anyway, there was then an Anime based off of the game… Fifteen years after the game was made. But, other than that, the Anime was good. For an Anime that only has four episodes, it was actually kinda good. The series was about a group of kids who accidently make a mistake with a paper doll, and are then sent to a cursed elementary school. Here, they have to try and figure out what is going on, while a psychotic ghost girl picks them off one da one. Now, if...
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So, after seeing Mr. Enters the two Admirable Animations on internet animations, I thought that I should make a superiore, in alto ten lista of my preferito ones. Note, this is INSPIRED da Mr. Enters videos. This is not a direct rip-off. I can see why people would think that. So, with that said, lets get started

#10: Tarboy da James Lee - This is a simple animated video. But, I admit, the animazione is pretty good. It is about a world of robots, which is about a grandfather telling his grandson about the story of a hero named Tarboy, a hero made out of the tar from dozens of robots murdered da a greedy corporation...
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added by AquaMarine6663
Well, after a full Easter Sunday away from my computer, it’s nice to come back to my home and just sit and play video games, because lord knows I got nothing better to do with my time. So, while I was out with a friend, looking for old games, my eyes spotted a copy of Silent collina 4: The Room, a game that I had rarely heard about. I had to get my hands on it, and so, I did. But before I played it, I looked into it, and discovered that, this game is, in fact, not seen in the best of light, with people saying that this was the game that started the downfall of the Silent collina franchise. Now,...
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Before following the story, we must ask, what is Nuzlocke? Nuzlocke is a challenge in Pokemon games where the player must follow the specific rules. 1: They can only catch one Pokemon for an area, and can only catch the first one. If they can’t catch that Pokemon, then they are not allowed to catch any Pokemon for that route. secondo rule, all Pokemon must be named in order to form a stronger bond with them. Third and final rule, if a Pokemon faints, they are dead, and must be released o placed in the box permanently. The challenge was made to make the game harder and to make the bonds with...
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