ghiandaia, jay MacGregor

fan dal September 2009

  • Female, 30 years old
  • Inverness, United Kingdom
  • Favorite TV Show: Doctor who, Sherlock, Elementary, Game of thrones, Dexter, Bates Motel, Gotham, AHS, The League of Gentlemen and more...
    Favorite Movie: The Shawshank Redemption,Blue is the warmest colour, Harry Potter, The dark knight triology, The Hannibal Trilogy, The Counjouring series and more...
    Favorite Musician: Demi Lovato, Lea Michele, Christina Grimmie, Todrick Hall, Fifth Harmony, Avril Lavigne, Maroon 5, and more...
    Favorite Book or Author: George R R Martin, Dan Brown, Harry Potter, Oscar Wilde, Rona Munro, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and more...
mosaico lista

I miei club

la mia bacheca

big smile
nickjonasfan001 detto …
Created a new fanpop page:
link postato più di un anno fa
drewjoana commentato…
Just joined the spot! più di un anno fa
abcjkl mi ha dato omaggio per my links
hi! thanks for the add back and nice to meet you!
would te like to unisciti my club?

link postato più di un anno fa
nickjonasfan001 ha detto riguardo a Sherlock & Joan
2 years fa i started a simple fanfiction on this site which has now spand across three different story lines, i just wanted to say thank te to all those who read my Scrivere and for all your support xx postato più di un anno fa
drewjoana commentato…
Thanks for the devotion and keep on Scrivere più (: più di un anno fa
nickjonasfan001 commentato…
I will! x più di un anno fa